Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's been a while here's shit that's been happening
- lots of band practice. recording in less than a month
- trying to go big on my bike and get some footy compiled.
- 180d a 6 stair at stanford
- need to find a new job in the mornings
- need to fill out my fucking transfer
- need to get some prints done
- Mike's making me a new custom rolltop bag as well as new FRS
- Will be going out to SJ's trick comp next weekend as well as Fremont's the weekend after.
-Watched Toxic Avenger, Whip It, and will proably watch Zombieland and Daybreakers by the end of this weekend.

Flubber house Woodside CA (cellphone flick)
When myself, Rachel, Josh, and X went on a sickass adventure. We've been on a few more since then. Pretty sweet.

That's about all I can think of besides work being hecktic as fuck. Someone give me a bike that can fit at least 45c tires then I'll be set and can go big. fml

in my skin
this is how
it's always been

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